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Friday, May 18, 2018

NorCo Wants Contractors to Have Apprentice Programs

Northampton County Council voted 7-1 at their May 17 meeting in favor of an ordinance that will require all contractors and subcontractors who perform any county works project valued at $250,000 or more to meet certain basic qualifications, including the establishment of a Class A apprenticeship program.

Matt Dietz was the sole No vote, and Peg Ferraro was absent.

Common in Europe, apprenticeships are becoming popular in the United States. They allow young people in the workforce to learn a trade and make a living wage without being shackled by student debt. Apprenticeships were even touted by Congressional candidate Marty Nothstein during he Republican debate. But Council member Matt Dietz argued that imposing a requirement of a Class A apprenticeship program was unfair and would give union contractors an unfair advantage. He pointed out that Ken Kraft and Bill McGee, who drafted the ordinance, are both union agents.

McGee told Dietz that some nonunion contractors have apprenticeship programs, too, but Dietz was still suspicious. Tara Zrinsky proposed amending the ordinance to require that contractors have either an apprentice program or "its equivalent," but that brought questions of what would be "equivalent." Her proposal failed 4-4, with Kraft, McGee, Lori Vargo Heffner and Ron Heckman voting No.

It was a tough night for Matt Dietz. He was the sole No vote on the Apprenticeship requirement and the sole Yes vote on a proposal to give voters have the final say if and when Northampton County decides to borrow money for a private venture like a baseball stadium, convention center or whatever project the DaVinci Science Center decides on next. For over a year, he has lobbied to give voters this veto power. Lehigh County's electorate approved this change in 2013. But there will be no referendum in Northampton County. Dietz was unable to persuade even one Council member to join him as a co-sponsor. Since the Home Rule Charter requires two sponsors to even introduce an ordinance, his plan failed. ng.

"I have a big problem with this," said Council President Ken Kraft at a Committee hearing the previous day. "We're a representative democracy," he argued, noting that the voters elect Council to make these decisions. Executive Lamont McClure said he understood what Dietz was trying to do and could never see himself voting to incur debt for a private entity. But he added that that option should exist in Council if a heavy hitter like the Yankees or the stock exchange wanted to relocate to the Lehigh Valley.

"I would hate to see that opportunity lost in a low turnout No referendum," he reasoned.

He added he would oppose any debt to bring the Mets here.

In other business, Council learned that Area Agency on Aging Director John Mehler is retiring after 43 years of service to Northampton County. His retirement will become effective on June 7. Zrinski observed that Mehler has been employed by the county longer than she has been alive.

In good news, Council learned from Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski that the state has signed off on 11 new positions for Children, Youth and families, effective July 1. Beefing up that staff has been a top priority for Executive McClure.

Finally, Council heard from drone hobbyist Gus DeArmas. He has enjoyed flying his drone at Louise Moore Park, where there are no power lines.But a park attendant recently informed him that drones are forbidden in the park. He noted that people can fly kites or throw balls in a park, and flying drones responsibly should be permitted.

Matt Dietz, a commercial pilot, began discussing the matter and also said that perhaps it should be permitted for people who receive certificates from the FAA. DeArmas suggested that certain areas could be set aside for drone take offs and landings. No one seemed to know what the park rules require, so Kraft appointed Dietz to head up a newly created drone committee to look into the question and come up with a proposal.


Anonymous said...

I don't always agree with some of the members on the council, but I think they did the right thing tonight. Apprentice programs train local young trades-workers how to do a job right. Unions made sure my grandfather got enough to raise my father, and I'm glad they are coming back to give people in PA a way to put food on the table. I hope we get more votes that help actual Northampton County workers.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Just so we are clear, Council has only imposed this requirement on its own projects, not private developers. I think it is a god idea as well,and no surprise. McGee made this a cornerstone of his Council campaign, and i don't sense that there is an attempt here to give unions an unfair advantage. The idea is to encourage this practice, union or nonunion.

Anonymous said...

This is fine but what about the damn bridges. In Hellertown our bridge was to be repaired now it has been closed and needs to be replaced. No one knows when that will happen. What the Hell. The county person said the county bridge is not the county's bridge anymore. This is crap.

I was told the county gave the bridge away. How is that possible and who do I contact AOBUT fixing the bridge. An authority was mentioned but the have no phone number. This is crazy. Why doesn't the county do something about this? They are ducking their responsibility. Someone shoud be accountable that is what they were elected to do.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I’ve written quite a bit about the bridges in other stories, including the Meadows Bridgevin Lower Saucon. If you would like another story, I will do so on condition that you email me at bohare5948@aol.com, identify yourself, and me willing to talk to me and explain how you’ve been inconvenienced. Your comment is OT. I spend a lot of time going to meetings and writing stories about what happens, and it is extremely rude to jijack that conversation to talk about something else.

Anonymous said...

1:12 you sound like you already know the answer to the questions you are asking, I think you are an insider trying to stir sh** up

Anonymous said...

While apprenticeships are a good idea, they are not the business of the county to impose on business, what will be next? What will qualify for an apprenticeship? How much will they be paid? or can they do like the college internships, pay them nothing and give money to some institution? This is a short sighted government intervention in private business. Does the county offer apprenticeships in its road department or other departments.? will there be preferences for certain political correct groups? Just more heavy handed government bull-shit.

Anonymous said...

""I would hate to see that opportunity lost in a low turnout No referendum," he reasoned."

No shit, Ken. That's how we ended up pouring money down the Gracedale hole forever. Politicians are really the lowest for of life on Earth.

Anonymous said...

In other unreported business, a campaign contributor to the County Executive was awarded a huge contract last night.

Anonymous said...

6:19, hey stupid, we had a referendum on gracedale and guess what, the voters overwhelmingly support spending the money on that...

What exactly was your point again?

Anonymous said...

"Politicians are really the lowest for of life on Earth."

no, people like you are, the ones who complain and do nothing about anything except sit on your arse and complain, Run for office and change things then.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"In other unreported business, a campaign contributor to the County Executive was awarded a huge contract last night."

There were about seven contracts awarded last night, all of them vetted by a finance committee. I have no reason to believe this was in any way controversial or untoward, and the contract awards was not the focus of my coverage last night. You don't bother to ID which contract this is, what the amount of the contribution was, or anything else. please do so. In other words, be helpful instead of snotty. Or start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

All BS about nothing. Its a bid spec requirement if they want.... nothing but McClure and Council smoke- total BS

Anonymous said...

We should have a renters tax so free loaders who tax the system and do not pay a dime for services will finally step up-

Or tax the welfare lazy a little to help pay some-

Make it after your bred by the second baby daddy you have to get fixed?

Anonymous said...

Was this done to make the unions happy?

Anonymous said...

4:25. In a word NO

Bernie O'Hare said...

I’ve enabled comment moderation to ignore the weekend trolls.

Anonymous said...

There are thousands of us in the Lehigh Valley who have served "APPRENTICESHIPS" and worked in our selected crafts for decades. I served an apprenticeship at the Bethlehem Steel. It took four years to complete and another year to get my "A" rating. When my apprenticeship was completed, I earned a nice wage which allowed my wife and I to pay for our children's college education and provide my family with a comfortable life style. A lifestyle I and my family would not have enjoyed if not for that apprenticeship. As long as the County does not attempt to set the wages I see nothing wrong with the concept of apprenticeships. By the way, I started my apprenticeship at labor wages.
Gerald Seyfried

Anonymous said...

4:25 in a word YES!!!

Bernie O'Hare said...

Mr. Seyfried, i often think about the tour I took of FreshPet last year. I don’t know how anyone can work at a facility like that without extensive training.

Anonymous said...

On WFMZ they reported this was done by McGee and Heckman. This law is for union workers what about the people?

Bernie O'Hare said...

What do you think union workers are? Also, McGee ran on this issue and was elected.

Anonymous said...

Look beyond the unions to the others in the government that will make the money off the apprenticeship program. Both the Economic development groups and the labor/workforce community have received give away grant money that goes somewhere but to fix the problem. It goes to study the issues. There are lots of political or quasi political people that will make big bucks off of this indirectly.

Anonymous said...


First, there is no mention of union in anything they did.
Second, no one complains when corporate types like Brown and his corporate county council gets the county into crazy schemes that end up costing taxpayers more and making money for his private sector buddies,
Third, Union workers are still people. When the Hell did all this nonsense go so overboard.

Your grandfathers are spinning in their graves. Now go grovel to you masters.

Anonymous said...

B.Braun has been supporting apprenticeships for the last couple of years, enhancing his company while thwarting union organizing efforts. He nickels and dimes most of the workforce while not batting an eye at a 10k bottle of wine for his guests. Nevertheless, he embraces a program that works well for the unionized sector of his company. Too bad Jeff Bezos can’t see the value of apprenticeships while he screws an entire generation of workers/consumers.
——Mother Jones

Anonymous said...

Dietz, without his Republican cohorts on Council and in the Executive Office, is effectively emasculated. He has nobody to carry water for him and no one to vote with. About all he can do and will be allowed to do is Chair the "drone committee" for Louise Moore Park. Elections have consequences. Its good that people who know the role and responsibilities of government are now in power at NORCO. Instead of tearing down the staff, infrastructure and programs, the County can now provide the services it needs to without screaming right wingers thinking somehow that Government needs to be run like business.

Anonymous said...

be helpful.

OK we know you are a McClure supporter, but last year your blog mentioned that his campaign received a contribution from Ekert Seamans ($2,000?). On Thursday Ekert Seamans (the law firm that unsuccessfully tried to sell Gracedale) was awarded a county contract for $600K.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:21, if you knew this and wanted to help, why where you not at the committee meeting or the county council meeting to air you concerns? Not much help now.