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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spadoni Out as Elections Solicitor

Before Gina Gibbs was appointed Register of Wills, she spent roughly eleven months as deputy Director of Elections in Northampton County. Somewhere along the way, she butted heads with the office's long-time solicitor, Chris Spadoni, over some legal technicality. I'm uncertain what the dispute was about, but it was resolved by removing him as that department's legal adviser.

"I wonder who her angel is," remarks one courthouse insider

Now, with a Presidential Election just six weeks away, the elections office has no deputy.


Anonymous said...

His size?

Anonymous said...

This is all bullshit Bernie ...pure bullshit.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have confirmed with Spadoni that he is no longer Solicitor in the elections office. He declined to state why because of attorney-client privilege. I have confirmed that thru other sources.

Anonymous said...
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Bernie O'Hare said...

The only place I've heard that word are in your incessant hate comments posted at this time of the day. It is one thing to attack Stoffa. But you are also attacking Gibbs unfairly, Knock it off.

Anonymous said...

You can trip on any curb and find another lawyer. Next, please.

Anonymous said...

Election law will never be any more complicated than this election. With PA Voter ID required, the disenfranchisement question will be running rampant. Will the Senior citizen poll workers know how to evaluate ID? Will they turn people away for not having proper ID? Will the poll Judge be able to make the appropriate decision when faced with a disenfranchised voter disagreeing with the poll worker? Will there be a solicitor available to answer any questions the poll judge may have. It is not the time to be dumping an elections solicitor. Perhaps after the election but not now.

Anonymous said...

Spadoni lost his job due to poor decisions, and lack of election law knowledge. The Gibbs Lady had nothing to do with his being terminated. Also the office will be fine without her in it. She never added anything to the workforce, and they will soon find that out in her new position.

Anonymous said...

wonder how little work is getting done as the games are played at the little payton place called norco

Anonymous said...

Your praise for John Stoffa is enviable Bernie. Now that you are past that iron veil, You are finally seeing what we as employees have had to deal with for almost seven years. Stoffa is the unfairest boss we have ever had in the Executive's chair. He even beats out Brackbill. His legacy is going to be how he screwed the employees for two terms. He won't even come into our offices so we can talk to him once in a while and express our frustrations. You are finally seeing him for what he is. A weakling who can't make a decision. Thank God we'll be rid of him soon. I won't sign my name because someone from personnel or the solicitor's office will have my job.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Tell me please......how does an employee with "NO EXPERIENCE" go to a new office like voter registration and become the first Deputy. Tell me please.....how does that same employee with "NO EXPERIENCE" leave the Voter Registration Office and go to a major office like "Register of Wills" (again with "no experience") and become the head of the Department, even though that department has a deputy more than qualified to take over that office. Something is rotten and decaying in the wood pile. How is any employee ever going to be promoted on merit when bullshit like this takes place. Isn't there anything that deputy can do to voice her dissent and try to get the job she deserves. There has to be something. AND.......if there isn't a so called sugar daddy (I find that terminoligy truly offensive)what is the reason for this women's quick ascent to be a Department head?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Let's be careful about the use of the term "sugar daddy" please. If you can't do that, sign your name.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:49, Stoffa stopped in the Recorder's office yesterday and sat down for an hour or so with the people there. I've seen him do that so I think that point is inaccurate.

I disagree with John over the budget (poor leadership)and the way this row office has been handled. I've disagreed with him about other things over the years. But I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the man. If he ran for a third term, I'd support him if he let me.

Every county exec is always the "worst county exec we ever had" until he leaves office.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Spadoni lost his job due to poor decisions, and lack of election law knowledge. The Gibbs Lady had nothing to do with his being terminated. "

You're the first person to say that, and you're anonymous.

Anonymous said...

As a courthouse employee, it is common knowledge that the solicitors office promoted this woman to be the head of one of the more important row offices. Stoffa was part of the overall scheme to shaft the deputy who heads up the registrers of wills office. He bent to the pressure of the solicitors office. You know this is true. I spoke with someone who told you this Bernie. Now report the true story. Don't delete my commments. Ingrid got shafted by the solicitors office. The Courts know it and so do you.

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:27, Nobody told me that Stoffa was part of an overall scheme to shaft the Deputy Register of Wills. I do think he made the wrong call here and have said so. I also think he compounded that folly with the termination of two employees from that office the very next day. I have been highly critical, and this is the only place where this story has been told. Although I have not spoken to the Exec about this matter, I know him well enough to know that, right or wrong, he was acting in good faith and what he thought was in the best interests of the county.

I do believe that someone in the Solicitor's office was involved in this matter in a way that I consider inappropriate. And this Spadoni story is evidence of just how much pull Gibbs has in that office.

But you've only read that story here, so I don't know where you get off telling me - anonymously- what I must write.

I have deleted some comments. Those that have made disgusting personal attacks have been deleted. If that is you, shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, This is a question about how selection is made. How comes this advice from council can not come from the pool the court house has on payroll. I can not imagine how much time would be required to sustain an atty.for voter registration on its own.This Question in not directed toward Mr.Spadoni,no beef with him or any one else what so ever. Thank you.

Bernie O'Hare said...

The County only has one FT Assistant Solicitor. Everyone else is PT and is paid a salary.

Anonymous said...

Recipe for baseless and unfair attacks on person who had the audacity to apply for a job

1. Two large tablespoons of false and inaccurate information
2 Add baseless innuendo;
3. Stir vigorously
4. Simmer at 425 degrees for 1 week

Voile! Defamatory tripe appealing to bias and preconceived notions ala blogworld

Bernie O'Hare said...

Um, Spadoni is out in the elections office, and it is largely the doing of the new Register of Wills. No innuendo. No falsehoods. Facts are stubborn things, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against Gibb's, but a 13 + veteran of Registers Office was turned down! Wrong decision by whomever.

Anonymous said...

It's nice stoffa has finally decide to visit the recorders office after two of the employees were terminated two weeks ago. It's so nice he is putting on I care face now. He should keep an eye on his hand picked court services person, Archie ans the human resouces on their way of doing things. I am sure Ms Gibbs will do her best with what she has been handed, she should keep an eye on Archie and HR.