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Friday, April 15, 2011

Scott Ott: One Of Browning's Biggest Supporters

He also thanks those who "mercifully spared" him and did NOT vote for him. Let's spare him again.


Chris Casey said...

Don't you just love digital cameras? God, that about says it all.

Bernie O'Hare said...

What Scott Ott recently did was take segments of a taped conversation that you and I had with Dean Browning, and mix them into Cunningham's outburst at Comm'rs insane idea of sending a budget back after doing absolutely nothing with it. He manipulates what was said to make it sound as though Browning or even Cunningham supported all kinds of draconian measures. He used my youtube videos to create this distortion.

But he seems to forget what he himself said that night, when he THANKED voters for NOT electing him and PRAISES Browning as the fount of all governmental knowledge. I thought I should share that.

Amazingly, he fails to comprehend the lesson his Master imparted. The message was that if Commr's failed to take the budget by the horns in '09, when Ott ran, a tax hike was inevitable in '11. The only question was how much. Ott notes that it is BROWNING who predicted this increase, and he did.

After the '10 budget was adopted, Browning made clear there would be a hike the following year. "That ship has already sailed," were his exact words.

If truth be told, it was BROWNING who was sounding the warning cry about this back in 2007. In 2008, shortly after he was elected, I met him and he had all kinds if charts and graphs. Like you, I am a Democrat and did not understand them. But I remember very well that he predicting this hike in '08.

The time to have fought against the increases began several years before, not several hours before the adoption of the '11 budget.

I think that LC voters should grant Ott's wish again and spare him from elective office. He's pandering to the Joe Hilliards of the Republican Party, but my guess is that most LC Rs, like most LC Dems, are in the middle and would prefer someone who is reasonable and fair to a candidate who distorts youtube videos.

Anonymous said...

RE ELECT Browning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Casey said...

I am not surprised that Ott manipulated pieces of that digital file to suit his own ends. This from a guy who thinks getting 500 fewer votes than a candidate who pushed through a 70% property tax increase makes him a success.
Maybe Scott should lay off the Tiger Blood!

Anonymous said...

God I love how he gets to you, Bernie, to the point you lose your sense of humor. Scott's self-deprecating style is disarming to guys who carry water for the establishment. That, and the fact that he used a $7.32 war chest to ruin to political future of a guy who was being touted for governor. Dean was a good guy until he joined in delivering a crushing tax increase to taxpayers struggling to keep their homes in the worst economy since the Depression. It was in all the papers. Pretty bad stuff, and enough to nullify a prior record of fiscal responsibility.

Bernie O'Hare said...

He does not get to me at all. He established what a phony he is by running against the man upon whom he lavished so much praise. If anybody sounds like he belongs in the "establishment," it is Ott.

Anonymous said...

During his 1965 run for New York mayor, William F. Buckley, when asked what he would do if he won, replied, "demand a recount." Scott's line is much funnier than the stigmata gag on the weekend of Palm Sunday.

The phony seems to be a guy who preached fiscal responsibility, and then voted to increase taxes on souls struggling to pay mortgages.

Scott's been consistent in his support of fiscal responsibility and of those candidates, like Dean, who had been consistent on fiscal responsibility until last year.

Dean changed. Scott did not.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Let me see. Browning instructed Ott that if Comm'rs did not help Cunningham reduce spending, a tac hike was inevitable. He repeated that lesson, and then assumed he could change that dynamic bc he is Scrappleface. Well, he can't, and the proof of that is that Ott and is gang of supporters offered no specifics, just mantras.