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Monday, March 17, 2008

O'Bama Will Deliver "Major" Address on Race in Philly Tomorrow

The O'Bama campaign has previously announced that Senator Obama will campaign in Philadelphia on Tuesday. I now have the down and dirty.

Where: National Constitution Center, 525 Arch Street/Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA

Time: 10:15 AM.

Update: Josh Drobnyk, over at Pennsylvania Avenue, beat me with this post. It's supposed to be one of those biggies about race relations and a turning point in the campaign. On Wednesday, when O'Bama gives a "super major" speech about Iraq, that will be another milestone. On Thursday, it's a "super duper major" speech about the economy.


Anonymous said...

He's got some 'splainin' to do.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have ever been proud in my adult life...I mean inspired.

Anonymous said...

Is he going to have minister Wright with him to support his campaign. Obama is a loser. McCain rules

Anonymous said...

I heard some of a speech he made about Wright. Bara sounded like he was actually sticking up for him. I would have liked to vote for him, but I think the words he said in that speech will cause him to go down in flames. Obama was lying when he claimed he never heard Wright say anything racist or against the American people. I think he just lost the election.