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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, November 19, 2007

Bad News for Don Cunningham

Pennsylvania Progressive tells us, on the basis of an Inky report, that
Rendell's money people are meeting with [Allegheny County Exec. Dan] Onorato at Citizen Bank Park and if they coalesce behind him he'll be tough to beat. These folks raised $30 million for Rendell and would provide Onorato substantial backing in Philadelphia in addition to Pittsburgh.


Anonymous said...

Cunningham winning a gubernatorial primary is a joke. Delusional. If not The not Alleghany exectuve, Jack wagner and of course a Philly burb person.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I don't think it's delusional at all. First, Onorato's tenure as Allegheny county exec has been mired with problems. Second, both Wagner and Onorato are western PA. Third the only eastern Pa person besides Cunninghamn to express interest is Mellow, and no one is taking him seriously. So if Cunningham can grab some dough, he has a shot.

Anonymous said...

cunningham is hoping for a miracle. he has done nothing. zilch. Be practical: Roberty Brady/Fumodelphia etc will have a southeasterner or Mellow or both. Cunningham doesnt have a prayer.

And his only dough will be county vendors--which the MCall will ignore so maybe he will have enough for cable but not the kind of tv necessary to win.

The idea of cunningham almost ensures Governor Corbett.

Anonymous said...

We should be promoting qualified LV folks!

Many have under estimated Don Cunningham, same with John Morganelli and our entire Lehigh Valley! It may just be time for some Lehigh Valley folks to secure access to Harrisburg governmental leadership! We know we can't win if we don't run so I suggest we go for it. Pittsburgh and Philly have dominated PA since the beginning of time...time for a change? larry@kisslinger.com

Chris Casey said...

I agree with Larry, we should be encouraging local candidates for statewide office. Right now, Jen Mann and Don are the two best interested members of the local Dem Farm team that could win statewide office. Corbett has serious ethics issues, and is heavily tied to convicted Felon Bob Asher. The field is wide open, if anyone could break the 8 year alternating party cycle of the Governor's office, Don Cunningham could

Anonymous said...

plus dons middle class upbringing and his success in bethlehem and lehigh county would endear him to many across the state.with the right campaign leadership, sans levi schmuck, he should do very well even if he comes up short.

Anonymous said...

be curious to see if anonymous 11:21 & 11:51 is from the SW. because that's the political mantra coming out of there-"clear the field, so we can have an unopposed primary. it's our best chance to hold on to the governorship."

probably because Onorato's record doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

the real question here is do we want a half dozen philly lawyers determining who our gubernatorial party's nominee is?

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'd pretty much agree. Onorato does not exactly have the greatest record as Allegheny County exec. From labor problems to reassessment to killing geese, this guy has alienated people.

Why shouldn't the LV start promoting some of its own candidates for state office? I'm seek of seeing Pittsburgh people everywhere. With the exception of Panella, Castille, Stevens & McCaffrey, they have all the seats on the appellate benches. That's 26 out of 30.

If Cunningham thinks he can put together a campaign, he should go for it. He's a much more attractive candidate than Onorato when you come down to it.

Anonymous said...

I am not from the SW. I have met Onorato and Mellow and Jack Wagner. Wagner by far would be the best.

And Cunningham has done ZERO. Cannot raise the money except by shaking down county vendors.

Perhaps he should set his sights on Lt. Gov like Gordon Mower did 34 years ago.

It really would suite him best.

Anonymous said...

We out in western Pennsylvania have been trying to get a better look at Don Cunningham. We know that Onorato is not a decent candidate.